The artists’ meet held that the taste of the Malayalam reading community has grown inseparable from illustrations. This observation came from visual artists and readers who participated in the artists’ meet at the town hall on the sidelines of the Chans exhibition.
Artist Namboothiri who inaugurated the meet said that illustrations are playing a major role in the growing popularity of literature. He also observed that the audience base for painting has expanded through illustrations.
Paul Kallanod was moderator. The participants included Madanan, K. Prabhakaran, Ajayakumar, U.A. Kadar, J.R. Prasad, Sunil Ashokapuram, N.P. Hafis Muhammad, Vijayaraghavan Panangad, R.K. Pottassery .
The visual artists who took part in the discussion felt that literary engagement without illustrations won’t be a fulfilling deal for the readers. The movement of deep exchange that awakens visual sensibility is the role of illustrations in literary works. The illustrations that go a step further from the story, weaving an unmistakable visual world altogether, tend to influence even the writer. Janamma Kunjuni welcomed the gathering and K.J. Thomas extended vote of thanks.